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Blue Bonnet

Brief Background

The Concordia Blue Bonnet was created in 1930 by a group of students (Roland Wiederaenders, Martin Neuman, Alfred Behrend, Louis Lauschke, Theodore Jahns) and a faculty advisor (Professor Martin Neeb). This book details the various groups, activities, and classes that took place at Lutheran Concordia College. From fun nicknames that the students called each other to descriptions and a history of the college itself, the Concordia Blue Bonnet embodies what it was like to attend Concordia Lutheran College at that time.

This LibGuide was created by Brooke Helfers


Oscar H. Horn graciously donated his copy of the Concordia Blue Bonnet to Concordia University. Because of this, we are able to learn more about Concordia's history and about the students that attended the college during those years. Horn was a senior at the time that the Blue Bonnet was created and was included in the senior section of the book. The image (on the left) shows the extra curricular activities that he participated in during his time at the school as well as his senior quote. 

The Creators

Roland Wiederaenders

Editor in Chief

Martin Neuman

Business Manager

Alfred Behrend

Assistant Editor

Louis Lauschke


Theodore Jahns


CTX Library

Profile Photo
CTX Library
Student Development Center
512.313.5050 (Info Desk)
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